English–West Frisian dictionary

West Frisian translation of the English word dead‐end

English → West Frisian
EnglishWest Frisian (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 He’s dead, Jim.
(finish; terminate; conclude; bring to an end; put the kibosh on; put an end to; have finished)
dien meitsje
(come to an end; end up; expire; conclude; finish; draw to a close; draw to an end)
🔗 When will this end?
(ending; conclusion; finish; termination)
🔗 The open brace is matched by a closing brace at the end of the programme.
(aim; goal; purpose; target; butt; intent; objective; destination; object)
🔗 To attain his end it was necessary that I be destroyed.
(halt; stop; hold; obstruct; stem; stay; stall; arrest)
(boundary; frontier; border; perimeter)
(cease; stop; quit; leave off)
(stop; discontinue; halt; lift; prorogue; quell; staunch; cease; abate)

EnglishWest Frisian
dead dea; leech
end doel

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